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Aflon Digital Institute Admission For 2014/2015 Session

Aflon Digital Institute admission for the 2014/2015 academic session has started. Interested and equally qualified candidates who want admission into AFLON should read the details below to apply.

How to apply for 2014/2015 Aflon Digital Institute Kuje Admission

The process of admissions into Aflon Digital Institute for the 2014/2015 session has started in earnest. The first thing to do is to obtain the admission application form. Click here to download it. The form should be completed and submitted immediately for our processing. Instead of wasting time and money, parents are encouraged to use the internet in sending completed forms and payment tellers to us. Please, seek help from others near you on how to do this.

The fees payable for the processing of admissions is Ten Thousand Naira (N5,000). This could be paid immediately. Kindly pay this amount into the accounts standing in the name of AFLON SCHOOLS LIMITED; with:

  • First Bank Plc: 202–271–4527
  • FCMB Plc: 211–530–1017

But the application fee could also be paid later during PLACEMENT TEST, the date of which is to be fixed later. Thus, the completed forms with or without payment tellers are better scanned and sent to us by e-mail. Our e-mail address is [email protected]. Thereafter, our admissions officer will contact you for further actions. Please, note important telephone numbers as follows:

  • Kelechi KALU (Admin Officer): 0704–404 11290
  • Akin FAPOHUNDA (Director): 0803–312 1004

2014/2015 Aflon Digital Institute Placement Test

ADA believes in impacting positively on the lives of students. AFLON are quite prepared to accept children of average intelligence and make them discover their hidden abilities to do great things. Hence, they are not necessarily looking for students that are already brilliant.

Placement tests are therefore made to enable AFLON place students in classes where they are most likely going to benefit from improvement efforts of their staff. The test would be online. It will be conducted on their website. It is new way that they are working on. This will save parents the needless costs of physical travel.

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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