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FUDUTSIN-MA Vacancy For The Post Of Vice Chancellor (VC)

Federal university, Dutsin-ma, FUDUTSIN_-MA, has announced the vacancy for the post of Vice Chancellor. All interested candidates are hereby informed.

The University hereby calls for suitably qualified members of the public to submit application for the post of the Vice Chancellor (VC). Interested candidates should ensure to read through this page for the requirements, qualification as well as entry mode for the post.

FUDutsin-Ma Vancancy


1.0 Preamble:

The Governing Council of Federal University Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) hereby notifies the general public of the vacancy in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

In accordance with the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No. 11 of 1993 and the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2003 and other relevant regulations, and in line with the directives of the Council, applications are hereby solicited from interested and qualified candidates to fill the vacancy.

2.0 The University:

FUDMA was established by the Federal Government in 2011 and is located in Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State. The institution is ICT-driven, envisioned to be a top ranking, world-class university, committed to excellence in research, teaching and learning as well as the production of generations of leaders with passion for service and nationalism.

3.0 The Position:

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and the academic head of the University. He/she is the ex-officio Chairman of Senate and Congregation and a member of the Governing Council. He/she is to promote high standard of academic excellence in research, teaching and learning; regulate students’ admission, welfare and discipline; and be responsible to Council for the day-to-day management of the human, financial and material resources of the University.

4.0 The Candidate:

The candidate for the position of Vice-Chancellor, FUDMA must possess good university education from recognised university; must be a person of high integrity and a distinguished scholar with outstanding academic and administrative track-record; as well as a consummate manager of human and material resources. In addition, the candidate:

  1. Must have not less than fifteen (15) years experience in recognised University(ies), with at least 7 years experience as Professor with the ability to provide academic and administrative leadership;
  2. Should have a good understanding of the vision and mission of FUDMA;
  3. Be able to attract research grants and complimentary funds from local and international agencies, and uplift the academic status of the University.
  4. Possess personal integrity in the management of funds and be able to deploy financial resources as appropriate in the context of the University’s strategic plan.
  5. Demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and possess the ability to build bridges between and among staff, students and members of the University and host communities as well as stakeholders.
  6. Have demonstrable abilities to establish and maintain partnerships with local, international, government and non-governmental agencies and organizations;
  7. Be an individual who, judging from his/her track-record, is likely to command the respect as well as the loyalty of members of staff and University community;
  8. Be able to demonstrate the ability to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled and talented staff (teaching and non-teaching);
  9. Be able to exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract extra-statutory funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University.
  10. Have excellent written and spoken communication skills.
  11. Should be in position to ensure the enforcement of the University’s laws and regulations.
  12. Be information and technology proficient and be committed to the development of ICT in the University.
  13. Be of excellent physical and mental health.
  14. Not be more than 65 years of age by 19th April, 2018.

5.0 Tenure and Conditions of Service:

The prospective Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single, non-renewable term of five (5) years. The remuneration and conditions of service for the post shall be as applicable in Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Federal Government and the Governing Council.

6.0 Additional Information:

  1. Candidates must possess NYSC discharge certificate, exemption certificate or certificate of exclusion where applicable;
  2. Other conditions of service applicable to the position are as approved and reviewed by the Governing Council from time to time;
  3. Computer literacy is essential;
  4. Candidates should ask three referees to individually send, under confidential cover, referee reports to the Registrar to be received latest by the closing date of receipt of applications;
  5. Candidates must attach evidence of possession of national identification number (in line with the requirements of the National Identification Number Regulations, 2017);
  6. Candidates’ statements of vision and hope for the University should be attached to their applications.

7.0 Method of Application:

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit thirty (30) copies of their applications attached to which shall be photocopies of credentials and comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) duly signed and dated. The CV format acceptable can be ACCESSED HERE for compliance.

Applications are to be received by the Registrar sealed, under confidential cover and marked “Post of VC FUDMA” at the top left hand corner of the envelope.

8.0 Closing Date:

All applications and referee reports are to be addressed to the Registrar, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, P.M.B. 5001 Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, to reach him not later than 28th February, 2018.

A. D. Kankia
Registrar and Secretary to Council

Good luck!!!

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