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Specimen For Alternative To Practical Agric Science For GCE 2013

If you have been asking for the Nov/Dec 2013 GCE specimens for alternative to practical, Agricultural science, we have this information for you. First, we have not been able to set our eyes on the specimens for the GCE Agric. Science alternative to practical for 2013. After a lot of research and asking from some sources, we came up with the following. We cannot assure you these are the specimens but practicing with them when you have no other one would do you no harm.

2013 WAEC GCE Alternative To Agric Science Practical Specimens

A- Sandy soil (To be labelled).

B- Loamy soil (To be labelled).

C- Clay soil (To be labelled).

D- Pebbles or sandstone.

E- Granite.

F- Marble.

G- Litmus papers (Blue and Red).

H- Dilute Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) (To be labelled).

I- Shears.

J- Secateurs.

K- Spade.

L- Spear grass

M- Tridax.

N- Elephant grass.

O- Centrosema.

P- Tropical Kudzu.

Q- Pieces of meat.

R- Leather.

S- Feather.

T- Liverfluke.

U- Tick.

V- Water (To be labelled).

W- Egg.



(i) to determine the presence of living organism in the soil

(ii) in conical flask i, lime water turns milky. in conical flask, there will be no observation

(iii) the conical flask lime water turns milky because of the presence of living organism in the fresh soil, which result from respiration of the living organism, release of carbon(iv) oxide.
-no observable change in flash ii because the soil and already been heated and all organism had died(no respiration)

– by improving the soil fertility
-by adding lime to improve the soil alkalinity


-wash after use
-sharpen blade regularly

Due to aridity

-heavy rain

Overgrazing is the excess consumption of grass by the animals

The more the consumption of food crops,the greater the deforestation


We are sharing this with you to get you prepared for your WAEG GCE Agric Science alternative to practical and not to prepare you to cheat in the examination. We know some people will still write into the exam hall even after seeing questions weeks before the examination. This is GCE Agric Practical Specimens so, just read about them because the questions can be structured anyhow.

We shall keep you posted on this article when we get specimens from more reliable sources. Just prepare with this and read wide and extensively to be fully prepared. You might want to check the GCE Timetable again to prepare you for the exam.

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