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University of Lagos Students to Assess Lecturers

In a bid to ensure quality service delivery in the University of Lagos, the Quality Assurance and Servicom Unit regularly conducts assessment of lectures delivered to students as well as students’ performance.


Under the exercise, students of the University are to assess their gains from the courses taken every semester before the start of examinations. This will provide a platform for students to offer their suggestions and opinions about all their courses and the lecturers who took the courses.

As a result, all students of the University are to log on to http://qas.unilag.edu.ng/?page_id=223 to fill (and submit on line) the lecturers’ assessment form. Each student is expected to fill an assessment form for each course taken during the semester.

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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