IELTS High Scores In Nigeria (With Photos)
You might want to know high IELTS scores in Nigeria if you are planning to write the examination or you have attempted it before. It is more true if you have attempted the exam several time; you are probably wondering if people even score high in IELTS at all.
Firstly, let me tell you categorically that people do score high in IELTS. However, when we talk about the word “high” in exams like this, we might be talking about different scores. Since different institutions request for different scores in IELTS, we can say you have scored high when you meet the requirement.
ALSO SEE: IELTS Test Dates Available in Nigeria 2019-2020.
What Is IELTS High Score?
As I was saying earlier in the previous paragraph, different bodies as for different score in the exam. For example, a university may have their IELTS requirement as: Reading – 7, Listening – 7, Writing – 6.5 and Speaking 6.5. As a result of this, you have scored high when you get these scores in IELTS academic test. On the other hand, this score might not be high enough for some schools.
Likewise, for IELTS General Training, what is high enough might be relative based on many other factors. For example, people who want to use IELTS for immigration to Canada generally want to score at least 7 in Reading, 8 in Listening, 7 in Writing and 7 in Speaking. This is because there are extra marks that come with getting these scores when calculating your CRS.
What constitutes an IELTS high score (for immigration purposes) differs for people because there are other other factors that come into play. For example, someone who has a sibling and job offer might not need to score 7-8-7-7 as stated above. Those other factors mentioned would compensate for the marks that may be lost with lower IELTS marks.
Finally to the issue of high IELTS scores in Nigeria.
Some Of The High IELTS Scores That I Have Seen
I will share the high scores that I have seen for IELTS General Training. I will blur some vital information on the results but will still leave enough information for you to see. Below are some of them. And one of them is mine. *winks*

If you have seen scores that are as high or even higher than these ones, you can also share with us in the comment section. Thank you!!!
MUST READ: If you want to write IELTS and want a high score, I would recommend the IELTS class some of these people above attended. It is an online IELTS class called ACE IELTS. Many people have learnt from the group and passed with flying colours. You will not regret studying with them.