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Top 3 Universities in Austria Nigerian Students Can Apply To

This post is about the top 3 universities in Austria Nigerian students and other prospective international students can apply to. Before I delve into the main post, I’ll like to state here that public universities in Austria offer free tuition to student (local and international students) – though it should be noted that some universities charge small tuition fees for foreign students.

Those fees are extremely lower than public colleges and universities in the United States, Canada and UK. Education in Austria is more or less free. Austrian educational system is regarded as one of the bests in the world.

Study in Austria

TopĀ Universities in Austria Nigerian Students Can Apply To

The highly regarded and reputable Austrian universities that admits international students (Nigerians inclusive) are:

1.Ā Ā The University of Vienna

The institution was listed on the 2008 Time Higher Education Survey’s list of the Top 200 Universities in the World. This university has the largest population of international students comprising of students from different countries. This is an added advantage for a Nigerian student as the student will be exposed to inter cultural exchanges.

Website:Ā univie.ac.at/?L=2

2. The University of Innsbruck

The University of Innsbruck has produced several Nobel Laureates in the sciences, including Julius von Ficker Ritter von Feldhaus, Victor Francis Hess and Heinrich Ficker. The university have a student body of about 20,000. International students forms more than 20% of the school’s population.

Website:Ā uibk.ac.at

3. The University of Graz

The University of Graz has produced several Nobel Prize Laureates, including Julius Wagner von Jauregg (medicine), Gerty Cori (medicine), Karl von Frisch (medicine) and Fritz Pregl (chemistry.) The university has 74 academic departments. This university has a large population of students from Nigeria.

Website:Ā uni-graz.at/E/

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  1. I found this links useful,however,I have one little concern. These universities offer their programs in german,so how does a prospective Nigerian student get around that?

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      Since German is the official language, most of the undergraduate programs are taught in German while few are taught in English Language. However, most of the postgraduate programs (Masters and PhD) are targeted at international students. Therefore, they are mostly taught in English Language.
      If you are planning to go for a postgraduate program, you will surely get an English taught program in these universities. Just take your time to browse through the available programs.
      For an undergraduate program, you can also get an English taught program that suits your educational aspiration. But, if you could not get, there is an opportunity to learn German here in Nigeria within the space of 6-12 months at Goethe institute in Lagos or you can go to the department of European studies at University of Ibadan (there is an ongoing German class for anyone that wants to learn the language).
      I hope this explanation is useful. Don’t hesitate in asking if you need further clarification.
      Thank you.

  2. Pls…Like ma mum is in Austria she lives there… Xo i am waiting for admission in Auchi polytechnic nw nd d course m going for is ELECTRICAL /ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING… Xo is it possible for me to study in Austria… Nd which of d universities do advice mhe of going??? Am from Nigeria… Yhu cn reply mhe via whatsapp 08140616894 or BBM 5673D773 pls i really need your advice

  3. Please… I gat a question…

    Ma mum lives in Austria nd m here in nigeria… Although we ar Nigerians… M waiting for admission @ Auchi polytechnic is it possible for me to study in Austria nd m going for ELECTRICAL /ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING pls notify mhe… I will reward yhu pls…. Yhu can reply mhe on WHATSAPP 08140616894 or on BBM 5673D773…
    Pls God bless you

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