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2016 DSTV Eutelsat Award For African Secondary School Students

The DSTV Eutelsat Award For African Secondary School Students is here again, this has been an opportnity for science and technology loves to be inspird to write an essay or to create a poster. The Star Awards aims to showcase innovative ideas on the application of satellite technology in Africa, create awareness of satellite technology and its applications among African students to also stimulate interest in science and technology among young people in schools across Africa.

Eligibility and Entry

The Award is open to students between 14 and 19 years of age in secondary, high or combined schools anywhere in Africa where MultiChoice operates. Entries can be submitted in English, French or Portuguese.


How To Enter

 ” Take yourself into the future as a scientist, tasked with designing a new-age satellite that will help improve the lives of Africans. Tell us what you would call your satellite and describe the different functions and roles that it would play in the Africa of the future.”

With reference to this quote, write an essay or design a poster to explain how satellites help us to understand and take care of our planet.

Prizes to Be Won

The winning posters and essays from each country will compete for the overall prizes:

Best overall essay: A trip for two to Eutelsat in Paris and onwards to a rocket launch.
Best overall poster: A trip for two to Eutelsat in Paris and a satellite construction facilities.
Runner up overall poster: A trip for two to MultiChoice and the South African National Space Agency at Hartbeesthoek.
Runner essay award: A trip for two to MultiChoice and the South African National Space Agency at Hartbeesthoek.

The schools attended by the four overall winners will also receive a DStv installation, including a dish, TV, decoder and free access to the DStv Education Bouquet.


Essay Requirements 

These are the requirements DSTV Eutelsat Award needs from the students;

  • 1200 to 1400 words (excluding bibliography)
  • Typed in Arial 12, 1.5 spacing or must be hand written, but clearly legible
  • Pages to be numbered
  • Only hard copy entries will be accepted
  • Entries may include illustrations, graphics or diagrams
  • References (all sources consulted during the preparation of the entry)

For More Information click Here

Poster Requirements 

These are the requirements DSTV Eutelsat Award needs from the students;

  • Entries must be between A3 Size (420 X 297 mm) and A1 Size (594 X 841 mm).
    Only hard copy entries will be accepted
  • All poster entries must be accompanied by a typed or legible hand written summary containing the following headings:
  1. Title
  2. Summary of idea/concept
  3. References (all sources consulted during the preparation of the entry)

Judging Criteria

The panel of judges are looking for innovative thinking and ideas. They will be looking at the following criteria:


Component Weighting
Accuracy of information/knowledge of subject matter (30)
Structure of essay (20)
Language (15)
Creativity (15)
Innovativeness (10)
Bibliography/Referencing (10)


Component Weighting
Accuracy of information/knowledge of subject matter (30)
Overall layout of poster (20)
Graphic or illustrative style (20)
Creativity (25)
Bibliography/Referencing (5)

Deadline For Submission

The deadline for submission is November 7th, 2016

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