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UNN Postgraduate Courses / Programmes Available โ€“ 2019/2020

The University of Nigeria, UNN Postgraduate Programmes/Courses available for the 2019/2020 academic year have been released.

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into full-time, part-time and sandwich postgraduate programmes in various Faculties, Institutes and Centres for the 2019/2020 academic year.

For details of 2019/2020 UNN Postgraduate programme application procedures, click here.

The programmes published here are the available UNN Postgraduate programmes that applicants seeking admission into the UNN Postgraduate school can choose from.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into postgraduate programmes in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, leading to the award of Postgraduate Diplomas and Masterโ€™s and Doctorate degrees in the areas of specialization indicated under each

Department/Institute/Centre as follows for the 2019/2020 academic session:


PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes

  1. Department of Agricultural Economics

Farm Management and Production Economics; Agricultural Marketing and Agri-business; Agricultural Finance and Project Analysis; Agricultural Cooperative and Resources; Environmental Economics.

The Department of Agricultural Economics also offer PGD programmes in Co-operative Studies; Farm Management and Production Economics; Agribusiness and Marketing.

Departments of Food Science and Technology, Crop Science, Animal Science, Agricultural Extension and Soil Science, offer Postgraduate Diploma Programmes.

  1. Department of Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Administration; Agricultural Communication; Agricultural Extension Education; Agricultural Planning and Evaluation or Rural Sociology.

  1. Department of Animal Science

Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry; Animal Production; Animal Physiology; Animal Breeding and Genetics.

  1. Department of Crop Science

Crop Physiology Economic Entomology; Crop Production; Forage Crops; Nematology; Innamental Haticulture; Plant Breeding and Genetics; Plant Pathology; Tropicaol Fruits and Plantation Crops; Vegetable Crops; Weed Science.

  1. Department of Food Science and Technology

Food Chemistry and Analysis; Animal Production Technology; Fruits and Vegetable Processing Technology; Quality Control and Assurance; Cereals, Pulses, Legumes and Tuber Processing Technology; Food Biotechnology; Food Engineering and Processing.

  1. Department of Home Science

PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes

Family and Child Studies; Home Management (Family Resource Management); Hospitality and Institutional Management; Interior Decoration and Design; Food and Nutrition; Textile, Clothing and Fashion Design.

  1. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes

Dietetics; Community and Public Health Nutrition; Human and Experimental Nutrition

  1. Department of Soil Science

Soil Genesis; Survey and Classification; Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy; Soil Fertility and Management; Soil Physics and Conservation; Soil Biology and Biochemistry; Environmental Impact Assessment and Land Evaluation.


PGD, M.A and Ph.D degree programmes

  1. Department of Archaeology and Tourism (M.A and Ph.D Programmes only)

Polaeolithic Studies; Iron Age Archaeology; Origins of Food Production and Urbanization; and Cultural Resource Management (Museum or Tourism Option).

  1. Department of English and Literary Studies (PGD, M.A and Ph.D)

English as a second Language (ESL); English Language; Literature; and Comparative Studies and Literature.

  1. Department of Fine and Applied Arts

Ph.D Art History; Ph.D Art Education; Ph.D Art Administration and Management; Ph.D Fine Arts and Design (with specialization in Painting, Print Making; Sculpture-Visual Communication Design; Textile Design; Fashion Design; Ceramics).

M.F.A. with specialization in Painting; Print Making; Sculpture; Textile Design; Fashion Design; Ceramics; Communication Art and Design (Options: Graphic Design and Advertizing; Product Design; Web Design and New Media); Film Making and Photography.

M.A Art History: Traditional African Art; Modern African Art; Asian Oriental Art; African-American Art.

M.A Art Education; M.A Art Administration and Management

PGD in Fine and Applied Arts.

  1. Department of Foreign Languages and Literary Studies (MA programme)

African Literature in French; German Literature; Caribbean Literature in French; Translation (FEENG โ€“ FRE).

The Department also offers Ph.D programmes in the following areas of specialization:

African Literature in French; Caribbean Literature in French; German Literature.

  1. Department of History and International Studies (M.A and Ph.D)

Political History; Economic and Social History; and Religious History.

  1. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and Other Nigerian Languages (M.A)

Linguistics; African Languages; Literature in African Languages; and Translation and Interpretation).

The Department also offers Ph.D in the following areas of specialization:

Linguistics; African Languages and Literature.

  1. Department of Mass Communication

PGD, M.A and Ph.D

Electronic Media Sequence; The Print and Media Sequence; Advertising and Public Relations; Communication Theories and Research.

  1. Department of Music

Postgraduate Diploma (PGDM) in African Music Industry; Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Music Education; Research; Composition and Musical Instrument Technology.

MA Degree Programme in Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Music Education; Research; Composition and Musical Instrument Technology.

Ph.D Degree Programme in African Music; Music Education; Composition; Musicology; Music Performance and Musical Instrument Technology; Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Research and Musical Instrument Technology.

  1. Department of Theatre and Film Studies

M.A and Ph.D degrees in Acting and Directing; Dramatic Theory and Criticism; Applied Theatre; Playwriting; African and Caribbean Drama and Theatre; Film and Media Arts Studies; Performance Studies; Scenography; Theatre and Cultural Administration.


M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes

  1. Department of Biochemistry

Environmental Biochemistry; Enzymology; Industrial Biochemistry; Medical Biochemistry; Nutritional Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; and Pharmacological Biochemistry.

The Department also offers Ph.D programme in Lipid Biochemistry.

  1. Department of Microbiology

Brewing Science and Technology (PGD); Medical Microbiology (M.Sc and Ph.D); Environmental Microbiology (M.Sc and Ph.D); Food/Industrial Microbiology (M.Sc and Ph.D); and Brewing Science and Technology (M.Sc).

  1. Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology

Biosystematic/Taxonomy; Palynology/Palaeoecology; Plant Anatomy; Plant Physiology; Ecophysiology; Plant Pathology; Mycology; Genetics and Plant Breeding; Plant Ecology; Environmental Botany/Economic Botany; Plant Biotechnology; Blagal Biotechnology; Aquatic Botany; Phycology/Linnology (Aquatic Ecology); and Ethnomedicine/Phytomedicine.

  1. Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology

(M.Sc AND (Ph.D)

Animal and Environmental Physiology; Parasitology and Public Health; Entomology and Forensic Sciences; Fishery Science and Aquaculture; Hydrobiology/Aquatic Sciences; Ecology and Environmental Biology; SSAnimal Gernetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.


M.Sc and Ph.D. programmes in the following departments:

  1. Department of Accountancy

Financial Accounting; Management Accounting, Auditing and Investigation; Taxation Laws and Accounts; Public Sector Accounting; Management Information System.

  1. Department of Banking and Finance

Banking; Financial Theory and Management; Investment; Financial Institutions; International Finance and Public Finance.

  1. Department of Management

Administrative Theory and Practice; Human Resources Management; Production and Operations Management; Analytical Techniques; Corporate Strategy and Business Policy; Project Management and Feasibility Analysis; and Comparative Management Systems.

  1. Department of Marketing

Marketing Communications; Physical Distribution and Channel Management; Industrial Marketing; Consumer-Buyer Behaviour; and International Marketing, Strategic Marketing. The Department of Marketing also offers Executive M.Sc degree programme in Public Relations.

Applications for PGD and MBA degree programmes should be addressed to the Director, UNN Business School through: www.unnbusinessschool.unn.edu.ng


PGDE, PGDL, M.Ed. and Ph.D. degree programmes in the following Departments:

  1. Department of Adult Education & Extra Mural Studies

Adult Education Administration; Community Development; Extension & Distance Education.

  1. Department of Arts Education

Curriculum Studies; Language Education; Educational Technology; Comparative &International Education; Music Education; Fine & Applied Arts Education.

  1. The Department of Educational Foundations

Childhood Education; Educational Psychology; Guidance & Counseling; History of Education; Philosophy of Education; Sociology of Education; Special Education.

  1. Department of Library & Information Science

M.L.S and Ph.D degree programmes

  1. Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education

Public Health Education; School Health Education; Mental and Emotional Health Education; Occupational and Industrial Health Education; Administration and Management of Physical Education and Sports; Curriculum and Physical Education Teacher Education; Psychology of Sports; Sociology of Sports; Recreation and Tourism; Exercise Physiology; Adapted Physical Education.

For PGD: (a) Health Education (PGDHE); (b) Human Kinetics and Sports Studies (PGDHKS).

  1. Department of Science Education

Educational Research Methodology; Mathematics Education; Physics Education; Chemistry Education; Biology Education; Measurement & Evaluation, and Integrated Science Education.

  1. Department of Social Science Education

Economics Education; Political Science Education; Population & Family Life Education; Geographical & Environmental Education; and Social Studies Education.

Postgraduate Diploma programmes in the Faculty of Education are domiciled as follows: (PGDE) in Educational Foundations; PGDL in Library & Information Science; Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Education domiciled in the Department of Social Science Education.


M.Sc, M.Eng. and Ph.D. degree programmes

  1. Department of Agricultural &Bioresources Engineering

Farm Power & Machinery; Soil Water Engineering; Agricultural Products Processing & Storage; and Farm Structures & Environmental Control.

  1. Department of Civil Engineering

(PGD, M.Sc, M.Eng, Ph.D)

Structural Engineering; Water Resources Engineering; Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering; Materials & Construction; and Highway Engineering.

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering

Power Electronics, Drives and New System; Electrical Machine and Drives; Electromagnetic Fields and Application; Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering; and Automatic Control Systems.

  1. Department of Electronic Engineering

(M.Sc, M.Engr and Ph.D)

Communications; Digital and Computer Electronics. Currently, the Department of Electronics Engineering has no facilities in the area of Control Systems.

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering

(PGD, M.Sc, M.Eng., Ph.D)

Energy and Power Technology; Materials Technology and Mechanics; Fluid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics; Design and Production Technology; Industrial Engineering and Management.

The Departments of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering offer PGD programmes.


PGD, M.Sc., M.Arch and Ph.D. Programmes

  1. Departments of Architecture

Architectural Design; Architectural Science and Technology; Housing; Construction Management; Architectural History and Theory; Sustainable Design; Architectural Conservation; Architectural Practice and Management; Industrial Design; Landscape Architecture Design; Urban Design, Computer Aided Design/Technology and Media Architecture and Interior Design.

  1. Department of Estate Management

(M.Sc and Ph.D)

Valuation; Feasibility/Viability Appraisals; Taxation, Facility and Property Management; Development and Utilization and Land Resources inclusive of Estate and Interests tread as strongly rooted in Philosophical and Socio-economic foundations of their Relationship to man, society and environment.

  1. Department of Geoinformatics & Surveying

PGD, M.Sc, MGIT and Ph.D in the following areas: Land Surveying; Geodesy; Photogrammetry; Remote Sensing; Hydrography; Cartography; Geographic Information System (GIS); Land Information Management (LIM).

  1. Department of Urban & Regional Planning

(MURP and Ph.D)

Information Technology in Urban and Regional Planning; Traffic and Transportation Planning; Transportation Planning and Development; Conservation/Preservation; Housing and Community Development; Recreation and Facility Planning; Regional/Rural Analysis and Planning; Development Control; Environmental Management; and Social Science and Planning.


M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes

  1. Department of Health Administration & Management

Health Economics; Health Management & Policy.

The Department of Health Administration also offers PGD programme.

  1. Department of Medical Laboratory Science

Clinical Chemistry; Hematology; Histopathology; Microbiology; and Immunology.

  1. Department of Medical Radiography & Radiological Sciences

Medical Imaging; Radiation/Environmental Protection; Radiological Education;

Radiotherapy& Oncology; and Radiology Administration & Management.

  1. Department of Medical Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy; Pathokinesiology; Biomechanics; and Neurology.

  1. Department of Nursing Sciences

Maternal & Child Health Nursing; Medical Surgical Nursing; Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing; Nursing Administration & Management; and Nursing Education.


  1. Department of Commercial and Corporate Law

LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:  Law of Business Organization; Banking; Investment and Capital Market; Law of Commercial Transaction; Insurance Law; and Maritime.

  1. Department of Customary and Indigenous Law

LL.M and Ph.D degree progrqmmes in the following areas: Customary Law and Human Rights Regime; Comparative Law; The History of Customary Law; The Institution of Infrastructure of Customary Law; Indigenous Peoples in National          and international Law.

  1. International and Corporate Law

LL.M degree programmes in the  following  areas:  Public and International Law; Law of International Institutions; International Environmental Law; International Economic Law; International Human Rights Law; and International Criminal Law.

  1. Department of Jurisprudence and Legal Theory

LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:  Jurisprudence and Legal Theory; Comparative Jurisprudence; International Criminal Theory and Development; Justice and Human Rights.

  1. Department of Private Law

LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:  Property and Fiscal Law; Law of International Finance and Commerce; Corporations; Governance and Dispute Settlement.

  1. Department of Public Law

LL.M and Ph.D degree and programmes in Public Law; Administrative Law; Comparative Constitutional Law; Human Rights Law; Health Law and Policy; Humanitarian Law; Advanced Criminal Law


M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes are offered by the following Departments:

Anatomy; Medical Biochemistry; Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Human Physiology; Medicine and Surgery.

  1. Department of Community Medicine

MPH in Public Health

MPH degree programme is offered by the Department of Community Medicine in the following areas of specialization:

Epidemiology of Community Disease; Health Services Management/Health Economics, Occupational and Environmental Health; Social Medicine; Health Education; Maternal and Child Health.

  1. Department of Pharmacology &Therapeutics

M.Sc and DMSC degree programmes.

  1. Department of Medicine

M.D. and M.S. degree programmes.

M.Sc. and MD (Doctor of Medicine) are offered by the Department of Medicine in the

following areas of specialization: MD degree in Cardiology; Nephrology; Neurology; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Respiratory Medicine (Pulmonology); Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases; Clinical Pharmacology/Therapeutics and Dermatology. M.Sc. degree in Cardiology; Nephrology; Neurology; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Respiratory Medicine (Pulmonology); Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases; Clinical Pharmacology/Therapeutics and Dermatology.


M.Pharm, M.Sc., (Pharm); and Ph.D. degree programmes

  1. Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Management

Pharmaceutical Services e.g. drug information services; Pharmacotherapy of various units e.g. oncology, cardiovascular, neurology; Ambulatory Care/Adult Medicine; Clinical Pharmacokinetics/biopharmaceutics; Hospital Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical care; Social Pharmacy/Behavioural Pharmacy; Pediatric Pharmacy; Hematology; Pharmacy Practice Management; Infectious Diseases; Public Health Pharmacy; Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmacoepidemicology; Social Pharmacy/Behavioural Pharmacy; Pediatric Pharmacy; Hematology; Pharmacy Management; and Infectious Diseases.

  1. Department of Pharmaceutics

Physical Pharmaceutics; Compounding; Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology; Dispensing; and Pharmacy practices.

  1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Natural Products Chemistry; Drug Metabolism; and Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

  1. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy

Powder and Tablet Technology; Semi-Solid Dosage Design; Cosmic Science; Liquid Formulations Technology; Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics.

  1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Autonomic Pharmacology; Neuropharmacology; Biochemical Pharmacology; Chemotherapy; Clinical Pharmacology; Toxicology; Cardiovasular Pharmacology; Natural Product Pharmacology; Advanced General Pharmacology; Advanced Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions.


M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes

  1. Department of Computer Science

Data Communication; Software Development; Numerical Analysis; Information Management; Software Engineering; Microprocessor Based Systems.

  1. Department of Geology

M.Sc and Ph.D programmes in the following areas: Economic Geology and Geochemistry; Engineering Geology; Environmental Geology; Applied Geophysics; Hydrography; Mineralogy and Petrology; Palaeontology and Stratigraphy; Palynology; Petroleum Geoscience; Structural Geology; Stratigraphy and Sedimentology.

Applied Geophysics; Economic Geology and Geo-Chemistry; Mineral Exploration; Engineering Geology; Hydrogeology; Menerology and Patrology; Paleobiology and Biostratigraphy; Stratigraphy and Sedimentology; Petroleum Geology; and Structural Geology.

  1. Department of Physics & Astronomy

Solid Earth Geophysics; Astrophysics; Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science;

Solar Energy Physics; Atmospheric Physics; Medical Physics.

  1. Department of Pure & Industrial Chemistry

Inorganic; Physical; Organic; Analytical; Fossil Fuel; Polymer; and Industrial Chemistry.

  1. Department of Statistics

Stochastic Processes: Operations Research; Applied Statistics; Time Series Modeling, Design of Experiments.


PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D degree programmes

  1. Department of Economics

Economic Theory; Economic Development and Planning; International Economics, Money and Banking; Labour Economics and Industrial Relations; Quantitative Economics; Energy Economics; Public Sector Economics.

  1. Department of Geography

Climate Change Economics; and Policy &Innovation.

  1. Departments of Philosophy

Political and Social Philosophy; Western Metaphysics; Moral Philosophy; History of Western Philosophy and African Philosophy.

  1. Department of Political Science

M.Sc and Ph.D programmes in the following areas: Political Theory; Public Administration; Comparative Politics, Development and Social Change; Electoral Studies; International Relations and Diplomacy; Political Economy; Conflict, Peace and Strategic Studies; Human Security and Counter-Terrorisms Studies.

  1. Department of Psychology (M.Sc. & Ph.D degree programmes)

Experimental Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Social Psychology; School Psychology; and Counseling Psychology.

  1. Department of Public Administration and Local Government

MPA, M.Sc., DPA & Ph.D. degree programmes.

Financial Management; International Administration; and Human Resources Management.

  1. Department of Religion& Cultural Studies

M.A, and Ph.D degree programmes

Old Testament; New Testament; Church History; Traditional Religion; Religion and Society.

Departments of Religion & Cultural Studies and Philosophy do not offer PGD programmes.

  1. Department of Sociology/Anthropology (M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes)

PGD in Criminology; Gender and Women Studies; Industrial and labour Relations; Social Development Studies.

M.Sc. and Ph.D in Anthropology; Anthropology and Development; Climate Change and Society; Comparative Ethnography; Criminology and Sociology of Deviance; Culture and Communication; Demography and Population Studies; Environmental Sociology; Family Studies; Gender and Women Studies; Industrial and Labour Relations; Industrial Sociology; Medical Anthropology; Medical Sociology; Military Sociology and Diplomacy; Oral Tradition and Sociology; Organizational Sociology; Political Anthropology; Political Sociology; Postcolonial Studies; Rural Sociology; Security Studies; Social Development Studies; Social Institutions; Symbolic Anthropology; Urban Anthropology; Urban Sociology.

  1. Department of Social Work

(PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D degree programmes)

Intervention; Social Work Ethics &Values; and Community Development.

The Department also offers PGD in Political Science and Election Administration.


M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes

  1. Department of Veterinary Anatomy

Neuroanatomy; Developmental Anatomy Embryology; Microscopic Anatomy (Histology); Gross and Comparative Anatomy; Immunochemistry; Histochemistry; and Applied Anatomy and Biotechnology.

  1. Department of Animal Health and Production

(M.Sc, and Ph.D Degree Programmes)

Large Ruminant Health and Production; Small Ruminant Health and Management; Dairy Animal Health and Production; Nutrition in Health and Disease; Swine Health and Production; Nutrition and Management; Animal Genetics and Breeding; Animal Health Management and Economics.

  1. Department of Veterinary Medicine

(M.Sc, and Ph.D Degree Programmes)

Avian Medicine; Ruminant Medicine; Small Animal Medicine; Swine Medicine; Equine Medicine; Fish Laboratory and Wildlife Medicine; Ethnoveterinary Medicine.

  1. Department of Veterinary Obstetrics & Reproductive Diseases

Veterinary Andrology; Gynaecology; Obstetrics and Reproductive Biotechnology.

  1. Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology

(M.Sc, and Ph.D Degree Programmes)

Parasitic Infections; Parasite Zoonoses; Clinical Aspects; Epizootiology; Diagnosis and Control.

  1. Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology

(M.Sc, and Ph.D Degree Programmes)

(i) Veterinary Pathology: Diagnostic (Anatomic) Pathology; (Clinical Pathology (Haematology and Clinical Chemistry); Avian Pathology Nutritional Pathology.

(ii) Veterinary Microbiology: Bacteriology; Virology; Mycology; Micoplasmology and Rickettsiology; and Immunology.

  1. Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology

(M.Sc and Ph.D programmes)

  1. Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine

(M.Sc, MVPH, MPVM and Ph.D Degree Programmes)

  • Public Health: Zoonoses; Food Safety; Including Meat, Fish and Milk Hygiene; Environmental Health and Occupational Safety.
  • Preventive Medicine: Epidemiology; Disease Survellance; Emergency Prearedness and Information Management; Veterinary Quarantine Services; Livestock Production Economics and Entrepreneurship.
  1. Department of Veterinary Surgery &Radiology

M.Sc, and Ph.D degree programmes

Veterinary Surgery; Diagnostic Imagining; Anaesthesiology; Orthopedic; Soft Tissue Surgery; and Animal Surgery.


PGDE, PGDTE, M.Tech., M.Ed and Ph.D degree programmes

  1. Agricultural Education

(PGDTE, M.Tech., M.Ed and Ph.D)

Technology Education in Production Agriculture; Agro-Business Education; Soil Education

  1. Business Education

(PGDTE, M.Tech., M.Ed and Ph.D)

Software Development and Application; Hardware Maintenance and Management; Networking Communication; Robotics Education; Accounting Education, Marketing Education and Management Education.

  1. Computer Education

PGDTE, M.Tech., M.Ed and Ph.D in Software Development and Application; Hardware Maintenance and Management; Networking and Communication; Computer and Robotic Education.

  1. Home Economics and Hospitality Management

(PGDTE, M.Tech., and Ph.D)

Child Development and Care Education; Clothing and Textile Technology Education; Food and Nutrition Education; Home Management; and Hospitality Management Education.

  1. Industrial Technical Education

(PGDE, PGDTE, M.Tech., and Ph.D)

Building/Woodwork Technology; Electrical/Electronic Technology; Metal Work/Automobile Technology.

  1. Vocational and Entrepreneurship Education

Vocational Education (Masters and Ph.D); Entrepreneurship Education (Masters and Ph.D);

Agricultural Education (PGDTE); Business Education (PGDTE); Computer Education (PGDTE); Home Economics and Hospitality Management (PGDTE); and Industrial Technical Education (PGDTE).


Offers PGD, M.A., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes

African Peace and Conflict Studies (PGD); African Studies (M.A &Ph.D); and Peace and Conflict Studies (MA).


PGD, M.Sc.& Ph.D. degree programmes

The IDS has the following areas of specialization at Masters (M.Sc) degree level:

Governance and Social Change; Poverty, Power Relations and Social Change; Knowledge, Technology and Society; and International Development.

At Ph.D degree level, the Institute has the following areas of specialization: Human and Social Development; Community Development; Conflict Resolution and Peace-Building; and Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.


Offers PGD and M.Sc degree programmes in Maritimes Studies in the following areas:

M.Sc and PGD in Maritime Business and International Logistics;M.Sc and PGD in Maritime Law and Policy; M.Sc in Maritime Telecommunication; PGD in Radio Maritime Telecommunication; and M. Sc in Maritime Management.


Centre for Environmental Management and Control (CEMAC) offers PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes in Environmental Management & Control; Disaster Risk Management; and Chemical Security Management. The Centre also offers Masterโ€™s degree programmes in Disaster Risk Management (MDRM).


The Centre offers PGD, M.Sc AND Ph.D degree programmes in Climate Change Economics, Policy and Innovation. Presently, the PGD and degreeprogrammes in Climate Change are based in the Department of Geography, Faculty of the Social Sciences.

  2. Sc Programmes

Applicants for the Epidemiology stream must hold a degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary medicine from a recognized university or have a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale in the biological and health related sciences, and statistics.

Applicants for the clinical epidemiology must hold a degree in Medicine, Nursing or Pharmacy from a recognized university with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale where applicable.

Applicants for the Health System Policy and Management stream must hold any of the following basic entry requirements: postgraduate diploma with credit in health economics, management, policy or in a related field plus a first degree from a recognized University with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) or a degree in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy or a first degree from University of Nigeria or another recognized University in Business/Health Management/Administration, public administration with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale.

Applicants for the Occupational and Environmental stream must have obtained a first degree from a recognized University with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale in Nursing, Pharmacy, and Medicine and Surgery [MBBS], or in the biological and health related sciences from the University of Nigeria or any other University approved by senate.

Applicants for the Health Promotion and Communication stream must have obtained a first degree from a recognized University with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale in Nursing, Social Sciences, Biological sciences, Health education, Medicine and Surgery [MBBS] and other courses allied to medicine from the University of Nigeria or any other University approved by senate.

Applicants for the Bioethics programme would have completed a first degree in any course of their choice from a recognized university with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 (second class lower) on a 5-point scale. And would have fulfilled the university of Nigeria minimum requirement for the pursuit of a postgraduate programme.


Candidates for DrPH and PhD admissions in the Institute of Public Health shall possess the following:

  • Sc. in a relevant course with a minimum GPA of 4.00/5.00 in MPH for DrPH admission or
  • Membership for M.Sc/PhD admission or
  • Fellowship of West African College of Physicians or National Postgraduate Medical College for PhD admission.

M.Sc. and Ph.D in Tropical Paediatrics

M.Sc. and Ph.D in Human Reproduction and Women Health.

Best wishes from NGScholars!!!

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  1. I wish to apply for masters degree programme in UNN ,pls kindly furnish me the courses in science dept.
    How do I apply ,pls I need detailed information .
    Thank you.

  2. please when can i pay for the school fee. i want to run sandwich postgraduate and when will the sandwich session start

  3. I wish to apply for a masters degree program in business management. could you direct me on how to go about it? Do I stand a chance to start next year or do I have to wait for the 2018/2019 session?

  4. I wish to apply for postgraduate degree programme in Unn. I graduated from polythenic school and I came out with lower credit

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