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PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Application (Local) 2018/2019

The 2018/2019 PTDF postgraduate scholarship application for students in Nigerian Federal Universities has commenced. Hence, eligible postgraduate candidates can now complete the PTDF scholarship form online.

Applications are therefore invited for the 2018/19 Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) for postgraduate scholarship awards in Nigerian Federal Universities.

PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Application

AboutĀ PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Award


The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) is the Federal Government agency with the mandate of developing indigenous human capacity and petroleum technology to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry.

The Fund hereby invites applications from qualified Nigerians to apply for the 2018/19 Masters and PhD scholarships for students in Nigerian Federal Universities.

Instruction To Postgraduate Applicants

Application is restricted to Federal UniversitiesĀ only

  • Possession of valid admission letter into the University is compulsory for all applicants
  • Postgraduate applicantā€™s admission letter should be within a validity period of 12 months
  • Postgraduate applicants who meet the requirements shall be shortlisted for interviews before final selection of successful candidates
  • Admission for part-time studies shall not be considered for all category of applications
  • The scholarship is highly competitive and merit driven. Selection of candidates shall be based on equitable representation of the 36 States of the Federation and Federal Capital Territory (FCT)


A selection panel will be constituted to assess applications using the following criteria;

  • Academic merit as evidenced by quality of degrees, full academic transcripts, other professional qualifications acquired and relevant publications to be referenced by applicants
  • Membership of professional bodies
  • The viability of the study/research plan (PhD applicants only)
  • All applicants are required to make a case for their scholarship by submitting a statement of purpose stating the reason(s) they wish to undertake the study, the relevance of the proposed study to the industry and its expected impact on national development

2018/2019 PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Requirements

A).Ā (LSS) MSc.Ā (Requirements for application):

  • Applicants must possess full time admission letter into any of the Federal Universities
  • A minimum of Second Class Upper (2.1) in an oil and gas related field or a 2.2 with a minimum working experience of 2 years in the oil and gas industry;
  • Possess at least 5 credits in WAEC/SSCE/NECO results;
  • National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) certificate or Letter of exemption;
  • Applicants must be computer literate;
  • Letter of admission into the University;
  • Academic transcript;
  • Evidence of state of origin and local government;
  • Personal statement of a minimum of 1000 words stating reasons for undertaking the course of study;
  • Recent passport photograph

B).Ā PhD (LSS)Ā (Requirements for application):

  • Applicants must possess full time admission letter into any of the Federal Universities
  • A minimum of Second Class Upper (2.1) in an Oil and Gas related field or a 2.2 with a minimum working experience of 2 years in the oil and gas industry;
  • Possess at least 5 credits in WAEC/SSCE/NECO results,
  • National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) certificate or Letter of exemption;
  • Applicants must be computer literate;
  • A minimum of 2.2 in their first degree and a minimum of merit as a second degree certificate in an oil and gas related discipline;
  • Valid admission letter of not more than one year;
  • Academic transcripts;
  • Evidence of state of origin and local government;
  • Research area must be relevant to the oil and gas industry;
  • PhD research proposal of not more than 6 pages to include topic, introduction, literature review, research question(s), novelty, methodology, mode of data collection(s), expected outcome(s), relevance to the industry and appropriate references
  • Recent passport photograph


Applicants are advised to scan copies of the following documents and attach to their online application forms:

  1. First Degree Certificates or Statement of Results
  2. NYSC Certificate or letter of exemption
  4. Academic Transcript(s)
  5. Admission Letter
  6. Personal Statement
  7. State and Local Government Identification Letters
  8. Recent Passport Photograph

Additional scanned documents required from PhD applicants:

  1. Second Degree Certificates or Statement of Results
  2. PhD research proposal

PhD Applicants are to follow the link provided below on the format of organization and structure for proposal write up

Organization and Structure of PHD Proposal


PhD research areas have been provided to enable applicants chose areas of research (see application drop box).

How To Apply For 2018/2019 PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Awards

Application for the PTDF Scholarship for postgraduate students is online. Online application form can be accessed from the APPLICATION WEBSITE: www.ptdf.gov.ng at no cost to applicants.

Instructions on how to access the online form is stated on the PTDF website. Applicants are advised to read through the requirements before applying.

To start the application process, applicants are required to key-in their email address and select a password for a pin to be generated. The generated pin would enable applicants to access the form and complete their bio data.

You can get started with your application here:- http://ptdf.flexisaf.com

Application Closing Date

Application for the PTDF 2018/2019 Postgraduate Scholarship Award will open from Monday October 8 to Friday November 16, 2018 for 6 weeks.

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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